The Swegon blog – Everything about indoor climate

Our experts at Swegon have for years shared their knowledge and skills in the format of enlightening blog posts about ventilation, heating and cooling. With different angles of approach, a wide variety of indoor climate related topics have been presented and explained with sincere engagement and broadmindedness.

Below you find more than 100 blog posts, and we are constantly adding new ones, in our aspiration to build knowledge about indoor climate – within, as well as outside, the building industry. Click on the pre-set tags, or use the filter function under "Explore" to narrow down the number of posts to a selection that is relevant to your interest or that will give you new and useful insights. | Sustainability (2)


Robert Siverby

Recycled steel lowers the carbon footprint

The building sector produces a significant part of the global emissions today. An important step on the road to sustainable practices is to lower the footprint from embodied carbon in products.

Mikael Börjesson

Environmental Product Declarations – spearheading change within HVAC

Lifecycle assessment (LCA) and Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) in the building industry evaluates the environmental impacts of a building throughout its entire lifecycle. Some HVAC manufacturers, including Swegon, have started to develop EPDs for their products. In this text we will share …

Mikael Börjesson

What is the Industry Challenge, and what can we do about it?

The indoor climate business is currently at the crossroads of a number of major trends in the society as whole.

Mirko Sauvan

How HVAC suppliers can benefit from conducting lifecycle assessments

Lifecycle assessment (LCA) in the building industry evaluates the environmental impacts of a building throughout its entire lifecycle. There are multiple incentives for property owners to apply LCA, such as financial, environmental, and even societal benefits. In this article, you will learn more …

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