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Tony Olsson
What is sustainable acoustics?
Product development is typically what brings companies forward. It often stems from customer insights or from innovation in response to market demand, possibly driven by advancements in areas like AI, which can significantly impact a company’s operation. When taking the time to deeply reflect, …Martin Ottersten
Can inaudible noise be harmful?
Imagine you enter a building and, almost immediately, feel an indescribable discomfort. You listen and hear no noise, you breathe and find the air quality good. When you leave the building the previously felt discomfort disappears. Can the building have caused this distress? Unfortunately, yes. …Tony Olsson
Acoustics and HVAC – our health and productivity depends on it
From an HVAC perspective, we sometimes tend to neglect acoustics. In theory, any noise issues should be eliminated already when making the blueprints for the HVAC system, and if everything goes right, the system is designed, dimensioned and installed in a way that doesn’t cause disturbing noise. …Tony Olsson
Why acoustics is an essential part of indoor environmental quality
Service noise, exterior noise, reverb time and acoustic separation are all important factors of a good acoustic climate. These factors, among others, are normally regulated through mandatory building regulations and are essential for a good indoor environment and our well-being.Martin Ottersten
The vital quest for quieter fans
How can quiet fans affect the indoor environmental quality (IEQ), safeguard people's health, and reduce global CO2 emissions? Here’s a report from the cutting edge of fan research.Tony Olsson
Does 0 plus 0 equal 3 in the acoustic world?
Sound and acoustics can be difficult to understand, with the subject of acoustics even having a shimmer of mystery surrounding it. For example, in the acoustic world does 0 plus 0 really equal 3? Our perception of sound is highly subjective and what one thinks is a noisy environment, another may …Martin Ottersten
Why you should eliminate all monotonous noise in your building
Sound can be a source of pleasure and well-being, if it is the right kind, like beautiful music. But research has found that the wrong kind of sound, or noise, is also a major cause of health problems. According to the World Health Organization, western Europeans are losing millions of years of …By topics