The Swegon blog – Everything about indoor climate

Our experts at Swegon have for years shared their knowledge and skills in the format of enlightening blog posts about ventilation, heating and cooling. With different angles of approach, a wide variety of indoor climate related topics have been presented and explained with sincere engagement and broadmindedness.

Below you find more than 100 blog posts, and we are constantly adding new ones, in our aspiration to build knowledge about indoor climate – within, as well as outside, the building industry. Click on the pre-set tags, or use the filter function under "Explore" to narrow down the number of posts to a selection that is relevant to your interest or that will give you new and useful insights. | Energy Efficiency


Tobias Nordström

Heating from the ceiling does work – chilled beams are key

The laws of physics may lead us to think that heating a space from the ceiling is impossible. However, our expert, Tobias Nordström, Product Manager Waterborne Climate Solutions at Swegon, will explain the principle of induction and why climate beams are an energy-efficient, sustainable and …

William Lawrance

Cooling coil sizing: why temperature and humidity matters

When selecting cooling coils for air handling units, it is essential to use relevant input data to ensure that the cooling power is appropriately sized. Oversized cooling coils lead to oversized chillers, which can significantly increase the investment cost. This blog post written by William …

Åsa Norén-Lundh

EPBD and IEQ: A path to healthier buildings

The initial scope of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) was founded under another name already in 2002, and has since then evolved into the comprehensive decree it is today. Recently, EPBD has been coupled with IEQ, indoor environmental quality. Our expert, Åsa Norén Lundh, Indoor …

Luca Filippetto

Unlocking smarter heat pump operations – improve efficiency and cut energy cost

Efforts are being made worldwide to address the environmental challenges we face as a global population. Everyone aims to maximize environmental benefits while still trying to meet or exceed expectations for performance and cost. However, not all decisions are easy—sometimes it feels like being …

Carl-Ola Danielsson

Why install mechanical ventilation?

Buildings are responsible for a significant part of the global energy consumption and hence stand for a considerable climate impact. To cope with the challenges related to global warming it is absolutely necessary that greenhouse gas emissions from buildings are reduced, and in that pursuit it is …

Niklas Jacobsson

2-step optimisation for energy efficiency and IEQ

A good indoor climate is fundamental for people to perform, rest and thrive inside built premises. However, energy efficiency is in nearly all cases on top of the agenda when designing an indoor climate solution – sometimes leading to a perceived conflict between indoor climate and energy …

François Jouvray

The BACS decree: good is not going to be enough

It is September 2023, less than two years remain until the middle of 2025 – a significant checkpoint for numerous countries, regions and organisations in their pursuit to reach various sustainability targets. Beyond this year, countless check points for both completed actions as well as …

Andreas Kihlström

How is ventilation, heating and cooling related to the EU Renovation Wave?

Most of us have heard about the European Green Deal and the EU Renovation Wave, the latter in particular is well known in our industry of ventilation, heating and cooling (HVAC). But why have the European Union launched this initiative, what are the goals and what does it mean to us?

Mikael Börjesson

Lowering energy consumption without compromising comfort

Buildings are responsible for around 40 percent of the global energy consumption, making it imperative to decrease consumption and increase energy efficiency in buildings. At the same time, we spend almost 90 percent of our time indoors. The trick is to reduce energy consumption without …

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