The Swegon blog – Everything about indoor climate

Our experts at Swegon have for years shared their knowledge and skills in the format of enlightening blog posts about ventilation, heating and cooling. With different angles of approach, a wide variety of indoor climate related topics have been presented and explained with sincere engagement and broadmindedness.

Below you find more than 100 blog posts, and we are constantly adding new ones, in our aspiration to build knowledge about indoor climate – within, as well as outside, the building industry. Click on the pre-set tags, or use the filter function under "Explore" to narrow down the number of posts to a selection that is relevant to your interest or that will give you new and useful insights.

Mikael Börjesson

Will opening the windows solve the ventilation needs for schools?

With the realisation that many schools across Europe lack sufficient ventilation equipment to provide the air exchange rates needed to for a reasonable level of virus spread prevention, we have seen emergency recommendations for increased windows opening to handle the problem. This directly affects …

Mikael Börjesson

Have we gone too far in avoiding humidity?

Humidity can have a positive impact on our health but is still often ignored when designing indoor environments. Too dry air can cause dry throats, chapped lips and facilitates the spread of viruses. Is it time to re-evaluate the cost for the society of having buildings with too dry indoor air?

Mikael Börjesson

Would we let our kids skip breakfast before school?

We all want to make sure that our children get the best education but one thing we tend to forget is how important air quality, humidity levels and thermal comfort are for children’s learning capabilities.

Mikael Börjesson

Ventilation and Virus transmission

Ventilation plays an important role in keeping our indoor environment safe and sound. In an enclosed space, people have the effect of reducing the air quality while ventilation using out-door air counteracts that effect. But can the ventilation system itself spread diseases?

Mikael Börjesson

How to stay open for business – battling COVID-19 in Northern Italy

In northern Italy, one of the hardest COVID-19 affected areas in the world, Swegon’s factory for chillers and heat pumps stays open for business, thanks to dedicated employees and partners, and creative solutions to the new challenges. In a situation with numerous guidelines to follow from …

Mikael Börjesson

What is IEQ and why is it important?

In recent years, our industry has witnessed a notable change in the way we go about delivering a quality-built indoor environment. Occupants now have a better understanding of the impact air quality has on their mental health and employers are starting to better appreciate the quality and …

Mikael Börjesson

2019: The year when humans were integrated in HVAC design?

The answer is probably no if looking into our industry, humans have always been the reason why we do good indoor climate. Nevertheless, the past year has, in my mind, been a big contest in best energy performance or highest efficiency into the second decimal…

Mikael Börjesson

Architects love HVAC installations. Right?

No matter what, we need to take care of the indoor climate when we design new buildings or refurbish old buildings. The driving forces for handling indoor climate could be different; from understanding the human need of good air quality to just achieve a decent temperature. Not to forget that …

Mikael Börjesson

Choosing the right air handling unit - A guide to a smarter choice

We ventilate our properties for our wellbeing, productivity or indoor comfort. One vital component in any ventilation system is the actual air handling unit. You might like to think of the air handling unit as the heart of the ventilation system. A heart that pumps air to all parts of the property …

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