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Heating from the ceiling does work – chilled beams are key

Heating from the ceiling does work – chilled beams are key

The laws of physics may lead us to think that heating a space from the ceiling is impossible. However, our expert, Tobias Nordström, Product Manager Waterborne Climate Solutions at Swegon, will explain the principle of induction and why climate beams are an energy-efficient, sustainable and design-friendly compatible solution.


Radiators and underfloor heating are what many knows and what a majority of heated buildings utilise to ensure a comfortable indoor temperature. It is easy to understand the fundamentals behind these methods of heating – warm water heats the radiator or the water circuit and these heats the air or material around it, warm air rises to the ceiling and heats the indoor space on its way.

What might not be thought of is the fact that these only offer one part of what is creating a good indoor climate – only heat. Other technical installations have to ensure cooling and ventilation. Despite the many opportunities today to connect installations and make sure they work together, there are still risks of having separate systems working side by side.

The solution we are about to present can meet questions already in a planning stage as heating from the ceiling seems to go against the basic knowledge about warm air. But, we are sure that we can get your full attention when we tell you that this option solves heating, cooling and ventilation seamlessly, and is energy efficient. How to make it work as intended and to maximise its advantages, that is what a comprehensive design phase is for.

Energy efficient heating from the ceiling

There are a number of factual based reasons for why climate beams are as good as we are saying, we will tap into the main ones here.

First of all, to understand chilled beams it is important to also understand induction.


Now understanding induction, it also makes sense when saying that this method provides greater mixing of the room air. Greater mixing provides low temperature stratification, or simply put, a comfortable even tempered indoor environment. The understanding of induction makes us grasp the need for introducing air at a slightly warmer temperature than required in the room. However, it is important that it is not too warm, a general recommendation is 2-4 degrees Celsius above the room temperature.

This slightly higher temperature is actually advantageous because most systems supplying water to a heating solution, heat pumps for instance, have a peak operation range for a water temperature of about 28-40 degrees Celsius. Learn more about the coefficient of performance (COP) and energy efficiency of heat pumps in one of our other experts’ blog posts.

If looking at district heating and climate beams specifically, it is possible to use this energy source without a separate shunt to lower the water temperatures. Instead, the climate beam can be design for a lower water flow which gives more time for the heat to dissipate into the room. Hence, a lower air temperature is delivered by the chilled beam and the circulating water will have a larger ΔT (temperature difference). This is key for efficiency of the solution and for ensuring low temperature stratification in the indoor space.

Further benefits of chilled beams

Aside from the positive energy aspect, it is also advantageous that chilled beams perform at their best at ceiling heights below 3,5 meters, quite many indoor spaces fall within that height. Additionally, chilled beams features properties for mixing the air, and are not reliant on people moving around in the occupancy zone for blending it. Further, we started in the fact that chilled beams handle heating, ventilation and cooling. Satisfying three needs with one technical installation obviously give more flexibility and room for design and architectural visions to thrive, and perhaps more importantly – one technical installation instead of three will leave a significantly lighter environmental footprint both in regards to operational and embodied carbon.

So, once the physics of induction has sunk in it is easy to understand the many benefits of climate beams – energy efficiency, thermal comfort, 3-in-1, sustainability – and how these units are effective means to create a good indoor climate for people to feel good inside.


Learn more about heating from chilled beams on our website, or read our colleague's blog post: This is why induction is important for your indoor comfort.