The Swegon blog – Everything about indoor climate

Our experts at Swegon have for years shared their knowledge and skills in the format of enlightening blog posts about ventilation, heating and cooling. With different angles of approach, a wide variety of indoor climate related topics have been presented and explained with sincere engagement and broadmindedness.

Below you find more than 100 blog posts, and we are constantly adding new ones, in our aspiration to build knowledge about indoor climate – within, as well as outside, the building industry. Click on the pre-set tags, or use the filter function under "Explore" to narrow down the number of posts to a selection that is relevant to your interest or that will give you new and useful insights.

Mikael Börjesson

A new year and new challenges in 2024

Taking a brief look in the rearview mirror helps us see the patterns and help us predict what challenges and opportunities we may face in the coming year in our industry. Judging from the very strong trends at the moment, in one way or another, everything will be about sustainability next year as …

Fabio Polo

The new F-gas regulation, this is what it means

In October, the European Council and Parliament reached a political agreement to amend and strengthen the legislation that aims to phase down fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases), which are used for example as refrigerants. As for now, the agreement is provisional, but it is expected to enter …

Alberto Frison

Space requirements for heat pump solutions

The European Renovation Wave is under way, meaning a large number of older heating and cooling units are currently being replaced with modern heat pump solutions with lower climate impact. However, before a unit is replaced there is an important aspect to consider – the available space for a new …

Caroline Jacobsson

Can profitable also be sustainable?

Two years ago, we published a blog post which discussed whether a demand controlled indoor climate is a profitable investment. I was recently asked to return and, with a couple of years' perspective, comment on whether the topic is still relevant or if any changes have occurred that affect the …

Alessandro Pinato

Energy savings from an HVAC orchestra

Energy efficiency in buildings is more important than ever. To optimize the efficiency of a solution for ventilation, heating and cooling (HVAC) and also maintain high comfort levels, considerations can not only be made to the efficiency of individual units, they all need to work together.

Carl-Ola Danielsson

Active chilled beams with variable k-factor - an option for both CAV and VAV systems

To create a healthy and comfortable indoor environment where people can perform an thrive, it is important to ensure good air quality. This, without creating noise and without causing discomfort due to high air velocities, temperature gradients or radiant asymmetry. The challenge is to design a …

Martin Ottersten

Can inaudible noise be harmful?

Imagine you enter a building and, almost immediately, feel an indescribable discomfort. You listen and hear no noise, you breathe and find the air quality good. When you leave the building the previously felt discomfort disappears. Can the building have caused this distress? Unfortunately, yes. …

François Jouvray

The BACS decree: good is not going to be enough

It is September 2023, less than two years remain until the middle of 2025 – a significant checkpoint for numerous countries, regions and organisations in their pursuit to reach various sustainability targets. Beyond this year, countless check points for both completed actions as well as …

Malin Höij

Continuous improvements and standardisation - interview with Johan Lundgren

Significant improvements and genuine contributions for better tomorrow can be achieved when products and production processes are known in every detail. That is what Johan Lundgren, Plant Manager at the Swegon factory in Tomelilla, believes and he has enthusiastically told me about the many …

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