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Swegon are proud sponsors of two conferences in April

Swegon is the proud sponsor of two conferences taking place in April. The ASHRAE International Building Decarbonisation Conference 2024 will take place in Madrid on April 17th-19th and the annual RoomVent conference is held in Stockholm, April 22nd-25th.

The ASHRAE conference is an event entirely focused to share information and exchange ideas with professionals and researchers within the industry. It is also a place to collaborate on initiatives for design, construction, ownership and operation of facilities which aim towards minimal or neutral carbon impact on the environment. The objective of this conference is to enrich the knowledge base within the industry while fostering global collaborations in efforts for decarbonisation. 

RoomVent is a scientific conference, which also invites political aspects. The conference targets researchers, engineers and consultants, decision makers, designers, developers, property owners and property managers and the topic for this year is “Healthy air together”. This focus gathers indoor climate, ventilation and energy performance, commissioning and inspection, modelling and measuring as well as special applications in one to emphasise the importance of sustainable buildings for healthy people.

Contributions beyond a sponsorship

Swegon will not only attend these conferences as a sponsor, but will also present an accepted paper at ASHRAE, The Blue House with Green Ambitions. At RoomVent, we will have an external key note speaker elaborating on indoor environmental quality, energy consumption and how occupant behaviour influence both. In addition, we will facilitate a workshop on closely related topics.

The paper presented by Ulf Hörman, Business Development Director System & Solution at Swegon, in Madrid is a deep diving summary of a profound reference case in Malmö, Sweden. The main findings to be presented focus on how digitalisation and monitoring is of great importance for sustainable construction and operation of buildings. It will also be highlighted how design of a solution, and hence the selection of systems for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), influences on the carbon footprint of a building and how an early dialogue with the property owner can influence the choices.

At RoomVent, key note speaker Philomena Bluyssen, Professor Indoor Environment at Delft University of Technology will present her research findings under the headline, Understanding of indoor environment, occupants, interactions, and effects. In addition, we will moderate a workshop from a Swegon perspective which we believe will be highly interesting for many in our industry and also be useful for our continuous development at Swegon. The latter very much thanks to the expected visitors’ profiles and expertise.

To make as much as possible of the conference days at RoomVent, the international group of researchers, experts and external consultants in Swegon Air Academy’s Think Tank will take the opportunity to meet and share their thoughts and insights.

Make sure to register for ASHRAE and RoomVent and meet us in Madrid and Stockholm. For further information about the events, contact Åsa Norén Lundh, IECC Manager Swegon Group.