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Stylish design and high performance with new KITE Ceiling

Swegon's new air diffuser KITE Ceiling is a diffuser that delivers on many levels. During the development of KITE Ceiling, performance, design, installation and maintenance have been in focus.



KITE Ceiling has a flush ceiling installation and a stylish design. This means KITE Ceiling blends in well in most environments! KITE Ceiling also works as a supply and extract air diffuser and has 4-way air discharge.

Easy Access

The diffuser front on KITE Ceiling has a spring function, ‘Easy Access’, which enables easy removal and fitting. The result is effortless and fast installation, commissioning, maintenance and cleaning, which in turn saves both time and money.

Great Indoor Environmental Quality

As we said, Swegon's new air diffuser KITE Ceiling is a diffuser that delivers on many levels. With its stylish design and high performance, a quiet, draught-free and aesthetically attractive indoor climate is realised.

KITE is not only the name of our new air diffuser but also the name of a bird located in southern Sweden. And what does Sweden have to do with KITE Ceiling? Everything actually, it is developed and produced there!



No matter how good a product is, it can always be better. This is an objective we must have in order to continue to supply high-quality products.

As we work to bring fresh air indoors, we also understand the importance of having fresh air outdoors. That’s why the whole of our business is quality and environmentally certified.

KITE in the room

Watch the film and see the efficient 4-way air discharge that KITE Ceiling delivers.

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