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The Swegon blog – Everything about indoor climate

Our experts at Swegon have for years shared their knowledge and skills in the format of enlightening blog posts about ventilation, heating and cooling. With different angles of approach, a wide variety of indoor climate related topics have been presented and explained with sincere engagement and broadmindedness.

Below you find more than 100 blog posts, and we are constantly adding new ones, in our aspiration to build knowledge about indoor climate – within, as well as outside, the building industry. Click on the pre-set tags, or use the filter function under "Explore" to narrow down the number of posts to a selection that is relevant to your interest or that will give you new and useful insights.

Andreas Örje Wellstam

Two reasons HVAC and gender equality needs to be a top priority

In the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) industry – and the building sector in general – men are still in a vast majority. And although I wish it looked different, Swegon is no exception. I know we can do better, and I firmly believe a more equal organisation will be a more …

Steve Gore

A Guide to Smoke Control Damper Classifications

In a previous blog article we looked at how a Fire Damper is classified, and how to interpret the classification. In this article we will look at how Smoke Control dampers are classified and how to interpret the classification.

Timo Schreck

Clearing up a few myths in humidity recovery

There are many assumptions and opinions circulating around humidity recovery in the European HVAC industry and among HVAC engineers. Some of them are based on bad experiences, some of studies or claims presented with a certain partiality. I will try to clarify some these myths based on my …

William Lawrance

The many advantages of sorption technology

Air handling units equipped with rotary heat exchangers with a sorption coating bring significant opportunity for energy and carbon emission reductions, while also improving the indoor environment. But what exactly is it that make them so advantageous? Here is a step-by-step guide to understanding …

Josh Emerson

Guide to Smoke Control Dampers & Fire Dampers...

This article focuses on providing a brief overview of the key functions, types and correct selection of fire and smoke dampers for ventilation systems to help to improve building safety.

Mikael Börjesson

Gender and indoor climate - a blind spot we need to address

Some surprising results in a survey made us think, and findings in recent research suggest a somewhat alarming pattern. It seems we systematically design buildings to suit men, and women are consistently suffering for it. It’s clearly not fair, and we believe it’s time to act upon it.

Alessandro Pinato

Cracking the myths about propane

Over the years, EU regulations on synthetic refrigerants like CFC, HCFC and HFC have tightened, severely restricting or even banning their use. And a further tightening is underway with the update of the F-gas regulation which is currently under discussion.

Steve Gore

Damper Release Mechanisms

Different words are often used to describe the method of actuation of Fire Dampers. Very often words such as Automatic and Manual are used. ‘Automatic’ is used to describe a damper that has an actuator, and ‘manual’ being used to describe a damper that is activated by a mechanical device such as a …

Fabio Polo

Energy analysis for improved efficiency

There are a few ways of evaluating energy usage in heating and cooling applications. They are all valid in their own way, but it is important to remember that they evaluate energy efficiency in different ways and that they should be used in different situations depending on your needs.

Tony Pettersson

Demand controlled ventilation leads to energy savings

The citizenM chain of hotels has taken pride in providing luxury comfort in compact rooms. Guests have been provided with control of the indoor climate, which is optimal for both comfort and energy efficiency. Recently, a demand controlled ventilation system from Swegon has decreased energy …

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