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5 tips for quiet rooms

Given that we spend about 90% of our time indoors, the indoor climate plays a crucial role in our well-being. As our buildings are dense, sound created indoors becomes stronger in the absence of background noise.

Sounds, as you know, can be something beautiful and serene. It can also be disturbing and bothersome. Although our perception of sound is highly individual, there are certain sounds that none of us enjoy. Noise or perhaps more specifically unwanted sounds. Not only does its cause us dissatisfaction and inefficiency, it also has proven to have negative health impacts that are harmful to us in the long run.

A ventilation system in a house influences the acoustics through sound generation, overheating in duct systems, leaks in ventilation parts, influence on Rw value through holes for appliances, etc. In addition, there is an influence of vibration forces that fans cause. All these aspects of sound in ventilation systems must be considered in planning. Properly designed and dimensioned systems should prevent sound problems and stay within the stated limits for the project.


5 tips for reaching a comfortable acoustic climate!

  • Mute the sound at the source. Keeping 55 dB in channel after a fan with possible muffler, we manage most of today's sound requirements in individual office rooms. Combine this with the sound generators, mainly dampers, being fitted with sound attenuators along the way and keeping the airspeed low, especially close to the terminals. Keep speed below 4-5 m / s.


  • Overhearing via the ventilation system can destroy an otherwise well-constructed sound insulation. Something that is not uncommon on the exhaust air trunk for silencing has been overlooked. The ventilation system becomes like an internal communication radio of voices, sounds or noise. The correct muffler installed on the exhaust air removes overhearing problems.


  • Be careful about installing flexible connections. When there is a lack of space, there is a tendency to use flexible connections, which can be bent or pressed together to fit. There is a great risk that these will have a counteracting effect on the sound as they create high pressure drops and become sound generators.


  • Choose the right room product for your needs. All products must report noise levels in different operational cases. Consider the room's use and operating requirements when selecting products in combination with the product's sound levels for the same. Do not forget to have considerations for several sound-generating installations in the same room. For example, two products with the same sound level mean an increase of 3 dB from the product's basic level.


  • When a room is decorated, keep track of where sound-producing products are mounted. The tip is to keep at least 2 meters to the stay zone so as not to sit directly in the product's noise producing field. Whether it is ventilation, refrigerator / freezer, dishwasher or other products that create sound, you will then (with this distance) be able to take advantage of the room's damping and thus experience a lower noise level.


The final tip is that there is no lower limit as noise cancelling measures are no longer justified. There are only guide values ​​at the other end that we should abide by.

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