Andreas Örje Wellstam
Andreas is not just passionate about his job as CEO of Swegon, he is also passionate about the role Swegon has to play as driver for change in the society as a whole, providing more healthy and productive indoor environments, as well as leading the way in the quest for more sustainable buildings.
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Andreas Örje Wellstam
GOLD: from frost to flowers, celebrating 30 years of innovation
Have you ever braved a Swedish winter – the biting winds, icy roads and vast snow-clad forests and mountains? These harsh conditions are often credited for Sweden´s innovative spirit, especially in creating products to keep people warm, comfortable and safe – indoors and out. When spring finally …Andreas Örje Wellstam
Taking on the climate challenge – a New York City perspective
The climate discussion often tends to be very much focused on topics such as transportation and food production. And rightly so, these are important areas, but we also know that about 40% of the energy consumption world-wide is related to our buildings. So what better place to get a grasp of this …Andreas Örje Wellstam
Two reasons HVAC and gender equality needs to be a top priority
In the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) industry – and the building sector in general – men are still in a vast majority. And although I wish it looked different, Swegon is no exception. I know we can do better, and I firmly believe a more equal organisation will be a more …Andreas Örje Wellstam
Reducing waste is always a win
With the release of the last IPCC-report, along with soaring energy prices, more and more people have become urgently aware of the troublesome picture the world is facing. The climate change is impacting every corner of the world and even more severe impacts are to come if we fail to reduce …Andreas Örje Wellstam
Visualising the invisible – the future of our industry
At the end of May, Swegon broadcast a series of digital live events in different languages called The Industry Challenge. We did this to address the growing demands and expectations which we in the indoor climate business need to manage. A recent study shows that between 30 and 40 percent of …By topics