The Swegon blog – Everything about indoor climate

Our experts at Swegon have for years shared their knowledge and skills in the format of enlightening blog posts about ventilation, heating and cooling. With different angles of approach, a wide variety of indoor climate related topics have been presented and explained with sincere engagement and broadmindedness.

Below you find more than 100 blog posts, and we are constantly adding new ones, in our aspiration to build knowledge about indoor climate – within, as well as outside, the building industry. Click on the pre-set tags, or use the filter function under "Explore" to narrow down the number of posts to a selection that is relevant to your interest or that will give you new and useful insights.

Åsa Norén-Lundh

Things to consider when choosing room units for variable air flows

There are a few things to consider when choosing room units for variable air flow to save energy and to achieve a comfortable indoor climate. In this article, we will walk you through the most important ones.

William Lawrance

Getting to grips with internal leakage in air handling units

Internal leakage of air in ventilation systems is wasteful and it can also affect the indoor air quality so we need to minimise leakage to both optimise the energy consumption and ensure the best possible air quality. In this article, you will get to know different modes of internal leakages and …

Timo Schreck

Clearing up a few myths in humidity recovery

There are many assumptions and opinions circulating around humidity recovery in the European HVAC industry and among HVAC engineers. Some of them are based on bad experiences, some of studies or claims presented with a certain partiality. I will try to clarify some these myths based on my …

William Lawrance

Commissioning air handling units is all about the work off site

The commissioning and adjustment of air handling units can be time consuming, and due to the human factor, the units are not always set-up as intended, resulting in inefficient operation. But this may soon be history, the tools to streamline the whole process are already here. And the trend is …

William Lawrance

Casing performance - Achieving good indoor climate with lower operating costs

Six features define the quality and performance of air handling unit casings. To achieve a good indoor climate with low operating cost the ventilation system must be designed and installed in a proper way so that energy losses are minimised and air quality preserved. This means that it must be air …

Andreas Örje Wellstam

Taking on the climate challenge – a New York City perspective

The climate discussion often tends to be very much focused on topics such as transportation and food production. And rightly so, these are important areas, but we also know that about 40% of the energy consumption world-wide is related to our buildings. So what better place to get a grasp of this …

Andreas Örje Wellstam

Reducing waste is always a win

With the release of the last IPCC-report, along with soaring energy prices, more and more people have become urgently aware of the troublesome picture the world is facing. The climate change is impacting every corner of the world and even more severe impacts are to come if we fail to reduce …

Mikael Börjesson

Would we let our kids skip breakfast before school?

We all want to make sure that our children get the best education but one thing we tend to forget is how important air quality, humidity levels and thermal comfort are for children’s learning capabilities.

Åsa Norén-Lundh

This is why induction is important for your indoor comfort

Imagine if you were forced to choose between a room that can’t be cooled in hot weather, or a room with a constant cold draught. You’d be hard-pressed to choose, right? Happily, you don’t have to. Thanks to the physical principle known as induction, there is the option of ventilating and heating or …

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