Swegon North America News


Swegon extends its partnership with Volvo Car Scandinavian Mixed 2023

- We look forward to being a partner to Volvo Scandinavian Mixed for the third year. For us, it is important to participate in forums where there is a strong focus on areas that are in line with our own focus areas, such as sustainability and gender equality. Golf is an equal sport which is played …


New Partnership between Swegon and the International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy

Swegon Group today announced a new partnership with the International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy, ICIEE, at the Technical University of Denmark. This partnership will support exchange of experience and knowledge between Swegon and ICIEE, and support the activities of ICIEE.


Bastec becomes a part of Swegon Group

We are happy to welcome Bastec as the latest addition to the Swegon Group. Bastec, with around 30 employees, is active within the Swedish building controls market. It is well known for its BAS2 system and has a reputation for quality solutions and a high level of competence. Bastec was acquired by …

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